Sexual Addiction Counseling Denver & Partners of Sex Addicts Support
Providing Therapy for Problematic Sexual Behaviors (PSB) Since 2004

Phone: (303) 933-5800
Specialized Trained Sex Addiction Counselors
Our counselors have received specialized training in treating Sexual Addiction (SA) and other Problematic Sexual Behaviors (PSB). We also have therapists that provide counseling support for the spouse/partner of sex addicts. Finally, our counseling center has obtained specific training for healing couples after relational betrayal (i.e., infidelity, partner lying, pornography use, etc.).
Certified Sexual Addiction Therapist (CSAT)
Our therapists continue to pursue additional extensive experience, supervision, and training to be more effective in guiding men and women in the healing and recovery process. All our sex addiction counselors and partners of sex addict therapists desire to have the most recent training in the industry in helping clients find freedom from sexual addiction and other problematic sexual behaviors. We have a Certified Sexual Addiction Therapist (CSAT) on staff who provides direction, training, mentoring, and consultation. Our center has helped thousands of men and women heal from the damaging affects of sexual addiction.
Sex And Pornography Addiction
Our sexual addiction therapists don’t believe that the main issue of sexual addiction is the need for more sex, rather, it is to control and avoid emotional and relational pain. This is similar to how an alcoholic or drug addict uses alcohol or drugs to avoid their pain. Porn and sex has a powerful affect upon the chemicals in the brain. When a person views porn, seeks out a sexual experience or partner, the brain releases chemicals that numb stress, anxiety, and/or depression and provides momentary escape from real life issues. Over time, the brain begins to rely upon the sexual experience and behaviors as a “solution” rather than finding real solutions.
You Are Not Alone!
We want you to know that you don’t have to be alone in this struggle! We want to walk along side you in this journey of recovery. Sexual addiction and problematic sexual behaviors affect millions of men and women. All our sex addiction counselors are deeply committed to creating a safe, shame-free, and compassionately caring environment for every person entering their office. We often hear men and women saying that they had anxiety prior to the counseling session but felt hope, acceptance, and direction afterward.
Four Symptoms of Sex Addiction:
- Inability to stop.
- Tendency to get angry when denied sex or porn.
- Secretive about the sexual behaviors, sexual fantasies, and fear of being discovered
- Continue to pursue sex or porn despite negative consequences
To recover from sexual addiction, you will need to work recovery. We have developed the following tasks as a beginning to your work. The tasks will only work, if you work them. Recovering from sex addiction is a change of direction.
Underlying Relationship Wounds
We believe that the real issue of sexual addiction is not the need for more sex but rather it is used to numb, medicate, and escape past trauma and relationship wounds. Therefore, we don’t just provide tools for stopping the addictive behaviors but we also help the sex addict look at past hurts that often go back to childhood. Our counselors are trained in several trauma therapies to help work through and desensitize trauma.
Often, at this moment many people start asking is my partner or am I a sex addict? Take our free Sexual Addiction Questionnaire Assessment by clicking on the below green button:
Spouses/Partners Of Sex Addicts
We also specialize in helping the partners of sex addicts heal their trauma first — by understanding and differentiating complex partner trauma — and helping the spouse and partner of an addict get the truth, set and maintain healthy boundaries, and stop the crazy-making.
While the sex addict has known for many years about his or her problematic sexual behaviors, and being in sexual addiction counseling is often a relief, the betrayed partner is often blindsided by the discovery or disclosure. We recognize that the cheating itself, or a specific sexual behaviors, is not what causes the most pain, it is the loss of trust in the relationship caused by the constant lying of the addict.
Partners who have experienced betrayal have valid reasons to feel deeply wounded, shaken, mistrustful, angry, confused, scared, and lost. Partners of sex addicts who decide to stay in the relationship often go through PTSD symptoms and it takes time to reestablish real trust and safety with the betraying partner.
We understand that you are confused, scared, and unsure you want to stay in the relationship. We are here for you. So don’t be afraid to reach out to us. You may feel all alone, but our counselors have years of experience helping partners heal from the betrayal trauma. Our center provides both individual counseling and group support for partners/spouses of sex addicts.
How To Get Started?
If you have reached the moment where you know that your sexual behavior is out of control, you have come to the right place for help. Our Treatment program includes individual, group, relationship, and family counseling for sexual addiction and for the wife or partner of the sex addict.
To get started, the first step is to either call (303) 933-5800 or fill out the contact form. A counselor will contact you within 24-hours to provide you with more information and to setup an appointment if you choose.
The second step is to download the New Client Packet or Couples Packet, fill it out and bring with you to the first session.